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Thomas Modly, the acting Secretary of the U.S. Navy, resigned in April 2020 after an audio revealed that he said the fired commander of the USS Theodore Roosevelt “was either too naive or too stupid to be the commanding officer of a ship like this.” 

Modly had been the acting secretary for five months. 

His act came to end when it was discovered that he was either too naïve or too stupid to be Secretary of the Navy.

The Navy relieved Capt. Brett Crozier of his command after an email he had sent to his superior officers warning of an outbreak of COVID-19 on his ship was leaked to the news media.   

More than 230 sailors on the aircraft carrier, including Crozier, had tested positive for coronavirus, a US Navy official told CNN. 

CNN reported that the memo referred to “the challenge of trying to contain a coronavirus outbreak aboard the ship and urgently requested that sailors be allowed to quarantine on land.” 


Modly, after Crozier had been relieved of commander, traveled from Washington D.C. to the Theodore Roosevelt in Guam in order to make a bad situation immensely worse. 

The Washington Post reported that Modly assailed Crozier’s character in what the newspaper called “profanity-laced remarks over a loudspeaker.”  

Modly said that by going outside of the chain-of-command with his memo Crozier represented a “betrayal.” In addition, he accused the captain of leaking the letter and of either being “too naive or too stupid to be the commanding officer of a ship like this.” 



As soon as video of Modly’s speech was revealed, it became clear that he was either “too naive or too stupid to be” Navy secretary. 

He tendered his resignation, and it was accepted. 

A Navy investigation found that Crozier did not purposely leak his memo to the media. It, however, upheld the decision to remove Crozier as the ship’s commander because he had “exercised questionable judgment” when he released sailors from quarantine on the ship. This, the Navy said, increased the spread of the virus aboard the Roosevelt, the chief of Naval Operations said. 


When asked about Modly’s resignation, President Donald Trump, who knows something about being “too naive or too stupid” to be the commander in chief, said he had no knowledge of what happened but would not have asked Modly to resign. 

“He did that, I think, just to end that problem,” Trump said. “I think . . . . really in many ways, it was a very unselfish thing for him to do.” 

