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Rudy Giuliani is expected to appear today in an Atlanta courthouse to face charges that he conspired with former President Donald Trump and others to overturn the 2020 Presidential Election.

The former New York City mayor and crime-busting district attorney Giuliani owes millions of dollars in legal fees for his slavish defense of Trump’s criminal enterprise. 

Giuliani is begging Trump to pay him for the work he did to keep the former president in the White House.

Giuliani knows Trump, and he should know better than ask Trump for money.

Trump does not pay anybody for anything – regardless of who they are and what they may have done for him.

Trump is giving Giuliani the Roy Cohn treatment.

Cohn, a Jew who persecuted Jews and a gay man who persecuted homosexuals, advised at least four of the most abhorrent figures in American politics since the second half of the 20th century: Joseph McCarthy, Richard Nixon, Roger Stone, and Donald Trump.

Cohn created the monster that became Donald Trump.

He became Trump’s mentor and consigliere, teaching him: “Never settle, never surrender; Counter-attack, counter-sue immediately; and no matter what happens, no matter how deeply into the muck you get, claim victory and never admit defeat.”


Trump ultimately betrayed Cohn.

Cohn asked Trump if he could provide a room in his hotel for his lover, who was dying of AIDS. Trump agreed, then sent Cohn a bill for the room. Cohn ignored it but the bills kept coming. Trump once presented Cohn with a pair of diamond cuff links to thank him for his decades of advice. The diamonds were fake.

The friendship became strained in the last years of Cohn’s life. He had become disbarred and was himself dying of AIDS. Cohn could no longer help Trump and Trump quit taking his phone calls. In the final days of Trump’s life, Cohn said, “Donald pisses ice water.”
