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What do you if you’re Donald Trump and what to preserve your pro-family, pro-life base but don’t want to lose your admirers who support white supremacists, go to strip shows and sex clubs, impregnate strippers, and drug your adulteresses?

You hire Jason Miller to advise your 2024 Presidential campaign.

In 2003-2004, Miller managed Jack Ryan’s campaign for the U.S. Senate in Illinois. Ryan withdrew after it was reported that he had a fondness for sex clubs.


In 2005, Miller managed the campaign of former Gov. George Allen of Virginia who barely lost his Senate campaign after using a racist epithet against a photographer at a news conference. While serving as governor, Allen’s office included a noose that was once used for lynching.


After leaving the Allen campaign he worked for the re-election for South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford, who disappeared while governor to go for a hike on the Appalachian Trail but instead met with his mistress.


Allen worked on Ted Cruz’s presidential campaign but when Cruz dropped out, he joined Trump’s transitional staff after the billionaire’s election as president. Trump named Miller his White House communications director. Miller quickly announced he would not take the job because he wanted to spend more time with his family. His family was probably not on his mind after the disclosure of an extramarital affair with Trump campaign staffer A.J. Delgado and a report of his going to a strip club with other staffers before a presidential debate. Delgado became pregnant as a result of her affair with Miller and had a son.

In September 2018, Miller, who talks openly about his support of family values and being pro-life, reportedly impregnated a stripper in Florida and gave her a drink that contained an abortion-inducing drug without her knowledge. The woman, according to court documents, became violently ill and lost the baby. Miller then resigned as a paid commentator for CNN “to focus on clearing my name and fighting the false and defamatory accusations being made against me.”

Miller then hosted a radio show with Steve Bannon, which raised further questions about his judgment.



And there’s more.

In a lawsuit that Delgado filed to strip Miller of visitation rights, Miller admitted that he hired prostitutes and visited “Asian theme” massage parlors for sexual services. Miller continues to deny that he drugged a stripper to abort a pregnant. He is pro-life after all.



In June 2020, Trump hired Miller, given his relationship to Asian strip clubs, to be one of the president’s senior advisers to Asia.