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Showing 9-12 of 12 Books

Drawn to Extremes: The Use and Abuse of Editorial Cartoons in the United States

By: Chris Lamb

In 2006, a cartoon in a Danish newspaper depicted the Prophet Mohammed wearing a bomb in his turban. The cartoon created an international incident, with offended Muslims attacking Danish embassies

From Jack Johnson to LeBron James: Sports, Media, and the Color Line


The campaign for racial equality in sports has both reflected and affected the campaign for racial equality in the United States. Some of the most significant and publicized stories in

Jackie Robinson: A Spiritual Biography: The Faith of a Boundary-Breaking Hero


by Michael G. Long (Author), Chris Lamb (Author) Format: Kindle Edition 4.4 out of 5 stars 48 ratings 4.0 on Goodreads 37 ratings See

Wry Harvest: An Anthology of Midwest Humor

By: Chris Lamb

If you live in the Midwest, you have to know how to laugh. Tornados, floods, drought, and miles and miles of flat land: if you don’t have a sense of