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Here is a (Partial) List of Baseless Conspiracies Spread by Donald Trump.

Trump spread conspiracy that Obama administration staged Osama Biden Laden’s murder.

Trump endorsed Alex Jones’ claim that the shooting at Sandy Hook elementary school was staged.

Trump said that Ted Cruz’s father was involved in JFK assassination.

Trump endorsed the conspiracy that MSNBC host Joe Scarborough was guilty of murder.

Trump spread birtherism conspiracy that Obama was not born in this country.

Trump created lie that Hillary Clinton started birther conspiracy.

Trump spread conspiracy that Kamala Harris was not eligible to be vice president.

Trump spread baseless hoax that Biden cheated him out of 2020 Election.

Trump spread baseless Stop the Steal effort that Biden stole election.

Trump said 1/6 insurrectionists were not violent.

Trump refers to those arrested/convicted in 1/6 insurrection as “hostages.”

(and yet he promises to pardon those found guilty of crimes related to insurrection)

Trump suggested that Paul Pelosi’s attacker was a male prostitute.

Trump claimed that his friend – pedophile Jeffrey Epstein – did not commit suicides.

Trump perpetuated hoax that Bill Clinton attorney Vince Foster committed suicide.

Trump spread conspiracy theory about Hunter Biden’s laptop.

Trump created hoax that Obama administration supported ISIS.

Trump spread hoax that Obama wiretapped Trump’s phones.

Trump spread hoax about Clinton body count.

Trump said that cocaine found in White House belonged to Hunter Biden.

Trump spread hoax of Deep State running White House.

Trump spread hoax that global warming was an international conspiracy.

Trump spread hoax that the COVID vaccines causes autism

Trump spread hoax that Antifa was funded by billionaire George Soros.

So many Trump conspiracies included. So many more to report.