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Ken Chesebro, the architect of the false-elector scheme to overturn the 2020 Presidential Election pleaded guilty to a felony in connection to the conspiracy to change the results of the presidential election in Georgia,

Jeffrey Clark, President Donald Trump sycophant and accomplice and indicted former Justice Department attorney who was charged among the naughty nineteen defendants in a Georgia election subversion case to overturn results of the 2020 Presidential Election,

Michael Cohen, Trump fixer who was convicted for tax evasion and perjury, who later regretted working for Trump, calling him “a racist,” “a conman,” and “a cheat,”

Roy Cohn, loathsome, repulsive, abhorrent political advisor who created the monster that became Donald Trump, who ultimately turned his back on Cohn, who famously said about Trump: “Donald pisses ice water,”

Alan Dershowitz, gifted defense attorney and media whore who went from being an unabashed Donald Trump critic to an unabashed Trump defender,

Joe DiGenova, Donald Trump’s attorney and conspiracy peddler who called for Trump’s campaign security chief Christopher Krebs to be “shot” after he called presidential election “the most secure in history,”

John Eastman, disgraced Donald Trump attorney, indicted with eighteen other defendants for trying overturn the results of the 2020 Presidential Election in Georgia,

Jenna Ellis, disgraced former Donald Trump attorney who pleaded guilty in connection to investigation into conspiracy to overturn election results in Georgia during the 2020 Presidential Election,

Rudy Giuliani, a former New York City mayor who, under the influence of Donald Trump, became a lying, racist, farting, seditious, bankrupted, conspiracy mongrel who ended up outside a Philadelphia sex shop begging for scraps.

Kimberly Guilfoyle, fired from Fox News for distributing pornography, engaged to Donald Trump Jr. (icky, ickier),

Cleta Mitchell, Donald Trump attorney who accompanied the former president when he called the Georgia secretary of state to intimidate the official into overturning the results of the Georgia president election, called “arguably the most central player in the attempt to steal the election who isn’t facing prison time,”

Sidney Powell, former attorney for Donald Trump who pleaded guilty to six misdemeanors in connection to conspiracy to overthrow results of presidential election in Georgia in 2020 in exchange for testifying against Trump; her claims of election fraud were so mind-boggling bonkers that they were refuted by Tucker Carlson on Fox News,

Lin Wood, disbarred Donald Trump Lawyer and conspiracy peddler, who called for former Vice President Mike Pence to be executed for “treason” and who claimed widespread voter fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election — though he could not name anyone who had committed could not identity anyone who had voted illegally,