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Professor Watchlist, a website run by the conservative advocacy organization Turning Point USA and well-known community college dropout Charlie Kirk, lists academic staff that the organization believes “discriminate against conservative students, promote anti-American values and advance leftist propaganda in the classroom.”

I’m on the list.


But why?

Here’s the justification:

Professor Lamb has been very outspoken about his dislike of former President Trump and conservatives in general. In an article written for The Conversation, he states, “For several decades, the GOP has depended on racism to keep white people in power and nonwhites on the outside.” He says:

“When Trump ran for president in 2016, he used racially divisive rhetoric, calling Mexican immigrants criminals and rapists, proposing a ban on all Muslims entering the U.S. and suggesting a judge should recuse himself from a case solely because of the judge’s Mexican heritage.” 

So I’m on the list for “promoting anti-American values” because I quoted Trump for making racist comments? Or is it because I expressed my opinion about a politician in a country whose greatest contribution to civilization may be its guarantee of free speech? Too bad Charlie Kirk dropped out of college before he learned that “enemies lists” are the stuff of despots, tyrants, and dictators.