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Dennis Rodman, one of the best cross-dressing small forwards in NBA history, was, according to CNN, “perhaps the only person in the world” who had a personal relationship with a U.S. president, Donald Trump, and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

Rodman appeared on Trump’s Celebrity Apprentice in 2013. He was fired from the program for misspelling Melania Trump’s name.


Trump, coincidentally, once referred to his wife as “Melanie” in a tweet.


Rodman calls himself a friend of Trump’s, but said he had a much closer relationship with Kim Jong-un, whom he describes as “a friend for life.”


Rodman said he helped negotiate a meeting between the North Korea dictator and the American wanna-be dictator.


Trump said the meeting with Kim was love at first sight. Trump praised Kim by saying he and the North Korean leader “fell in love” during a meeting between the two men.

“I was really being tough and so was he,” Trump said. “And we would go back and forth. And then we fell in love. No really. He wrote me beautiful letters.”

“They were great letters. And then we fell in love,” he continued. 


Conservative commentator Bre Peyton expressed her outrage at Trump’s expression of devotion toward one of the world’s biggest human-rights violators.

“I think that throughout all of this we have to be honest about the really brutal human rights situation that’s going on there, and I think just ignoring that and talking about who you fell in love [with] is not the tone that we should be striking at all in any reality that we decide to live in,” she said. 


Rodman ended his hall of fame basketball career in 2000.

By 2012, newspapers reported that Rodman owed more than $800,000 in back child support and $51,000 in spousal support. In addition, the Los Angeles Times reported that Rodman also owed $350,000 in back taxes after withdrawing funds from his NBA pension to pay off debts.


He appeared on Celebrity Apprentice the next year.