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Donald Trump was more like his father than anyone else – and this tells you all you need to know about Fred Trump Sr., a racist, ruthless, amoral, grandstanding, tax-evading, law-breaking, megalomaniac narcissist who didn’t care about anyone but himself and was seemingly incapable of empathy.

Fred bullied and intimidated one son Fred Jr. to the point of physical collapse. Fred Jr. died of alcoholism when he was 42. Fred rejected another son, Donald, sending him off to military school when he was 12. When Donald returned, Fred taught his son Donald to be a “killer” in business, that the ends always justified the means.

Freddy, Donald said of his older brother with contempt, “was not a killer.”


Fred Trump first got his name in the newspapers after being arrested for marching with the Ku Klux Klan in New York City in 1927. He made his fortune as an unscrupulous real estate operator.

In 1954, the U.S. Senate investigated Trump for financially exploiting a housing program for war veterans and middle-class families. President Dwight Eisenhower referred to Trump and others who paid bribes to bureaucrats and politicians as “sons of bitches.” Trump was again investigated a decade later for exaggerating costs on state contracts. The Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Justice Department then sued Fred and Donald Trump, who was working for his father, for rejecting rental properties to minorities.

Fred Trump Sr. taught Donald to create sham corporations to hide taxable income and to take improper tax deductions.


Fred Trump also taught his son to use fake names to conduct improper business. Donald took naturally to his father’s cut-throat practices and joined with his father in ridiculing Fred Jr’s weakness.

When Fred Trump Sr. died, his three living siblings talked about their father in referential terms at his funeral. Donald talked only about himself. He only talked about himself in his eulogy for his father.

There would be no tears for his father.

“I don’t believe in crying,” Donald told one of his biographers. “… It’s just not my thing. I have nothing against it when someone cries, but when I see a man cry I view it as a weakness. I don’t like seeing men cry. I’ll give you an example. I never met John Gotti, I know nothing about John Gotti, but he went through years of trials. He sat with a stone face. He said, ‘Fuck you.’”

Fred Trump Sr. would’ve been so proud of his son.


Or as, Donald Trump’s mentor, the hideous Roy Cohn once put, “Donald Trump pisses ice.”


Like father, like son.