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Former president Donald Trump gave Herschel Walker his full-throated endorsement when Walker ran for the U.S. Senate in Georgia in 2022.

Was it because of Walker’s political experience? Well, no. He didn’t have any political experience?

Was it because of Walker’s business success? Well, no.

Was it because of Walker’s impressive scholarly credentials or his writings on matters of social, political, or international affairs.

No (muffled laughter).

Trump endorsed Walker ahead of other GOP candidates who could win a very winnable Senate race in a red state like Georgia because Walker, a former Heisman Trophy winner, had once been a football star.

No, in fairness, Trump didn’t endorse Walker just because he had once been a football star.

That would have been idiotic.

Trump endorsed Walker because Walker had once played for the New Jersey Generals, a team that Trump had owned in the short-lived United States Football League.

This was in 1984.

Walker also had retweeted Trump’s baseless claims.

In December 2020, Walker tweeted a video that supported Trump’s bogus efforts to overturn the results of the Presidential Election.

“Herschel is speaking the truth!” Trump said.


No, he wasn’t.

Neither Trump nor Walker qualified to talk about the truth any more than they are qualified to talk about what it’s like to be an astronaut, an ethicist, or a book reviewer.

But let’s stick to Walker.

Trump and Walker wouldn’t appear to have much in common. Trump was born into an incredibly wealthy family. Walker was raised poor. It was his talent in football that provided him a better life – or at least a richer one.

Walker’s life is different than Trump because Walker, to his credit, was once good at something – besides lying.

Both men have a history of failed business and mistreating women.

They are both pathological liars.

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported a review of court records and public documents that contradicted Walker’s claims of his business success. Walker’s claims were wildly exaggerated, the newspaper said, revealing “a string of defaults, settlements and lawsuits alleging that Walker and his businesses owed millions of dollars in unpaid loans,” the article said. “And while Walker attributes his wealth to his business acumen, much of it seems to be derived from his celebrity status as a football legend through speaking engagements and brand ambassadorships.”

In addition, the Journal-Constitution found that Walker and his business partners had defaulted or fallen behind on several loans for about $9 million over the last twenty years. This was according to the newspaper’s review of “hundreds of pages of court documents, Securities and Exchange Commission filings, and other public records that detail these financial issues.”


Walker often bragged about his academic credentials, falsely claiming to be his high school’s valedictorian. He wasn’t. Or any high school’s valedictorian.


Therefore, like Trump, he lied about things that could easily be checked.

Walker often bragged about his experience in law enforcement. But there was a slight issue with Walker’s claims of working in law enforcement: He never worked in law enforcement,

“I worked for law enforcement, y’all didn’t know that either?” he often told audiences. “I spent time at Quantico at the FBI training school. Y’all didn’t know I was an agent?”

No, we didn’t that and Walker didn’t know it either. It wasn’t true.

Walker never worked in law enforcement, the Journal-Constitution and the New York Times reported.


Walker, who was running as a pro-life conservative, failed to mention that he had pressured a woman he had impregnated to have an abortion and then paid for the abortion.

When Walker got the women pregnant a second time, he again pressured her to have an abortion, but this time she had the child.

The Washington Post said the woman had supported Walker’s campaign for the U.S. Senate, but she had changed her mind after Walker said he would support a complete ban on all abortions.


The news media reported how Walker had emotionally and physically mistreated others, including his son, his ex-wife, and other women. women.

The Daily Beast reported that Walker’s first wife, Cindy Deangelis Grossman, later went public with her claims of domestic violence. She told ABC News in 2008 that Walker once held a gun to her head and said he was going “blow my brains out.” (Walker doesn’t deny the allegation but says he does not remember it.)


Walker’s son, Christian, said that his father repeatedly threatened to kill his mother and him and they had to move “six times in six months” because they feared for their safety, the Daily Beast reported.


CNN reported that a Texas woman said that Walker had threatened and stalked her, according to a police report. Over the years, CNN said, “two other women – Walker’s ex-wife and an ex-girlfriend – have also accused him of making threats, telling authorities Walker claimed he would shoot them in the head.”


One ex-girlfriend said Walker physically abused her after she found him with another woman in his Dallas condo. She said Walker put his hands on her chest and neck, and then he swung his fist at her without striking her. “I thought he was going to beat me,” she recalled and then fled in fear.


The woman said that Walker suffers “dissociative identity disorder,” a mental health condition that means you have two or more separate identities.”


Walker, to his credit, has acknowledged he suffers from mental illness, but claimed he has been cured.


Hams are cured; mental health is treated.

According to the National Institute of Health, “most mental illnesses cannot be cured, but they can usually be treated effectively to minimize the symptoms and allow the individual to function in work, school, or social environments.” 


The former girlfriend said Walker knows “how to manipulate his disease, in order to manipulate people, while at times being simultaneously completely out of control,” she told the Daily Beast.

“He is not well,” she said. “He cannot be a senator. He cannot have control over a state when he has little to no control of his mind.”



The Democratic candidate, Raphael Warnock, a Baptist minister, defeated Walker in the Senate election.