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Donald Trump turned his win in the Nevada caucuses during the early Republican primaries in 2016 to shore up the key voting bloc of mentally unstable, bankrupted former athletes who were charged with assaulting their wives and or girlfriends.

Latrelle Sprewell tweeted his congratulations to Trump.


There is no record of how Trump responded to Sprewell’s blockbuster tweet.

But one can assume it was “bigly.”


The disgraced former NBA player was suspended for almost 70 games in 1997 while playing for the Golden State Warriors after strangling his coach, P.J. Carlesimo. He was forcibly removed from Carlesimo and then left the court. Sprewell then returned and punched his coach.


Two years earlier, he had a scuffle with teammate Jerome Kersey and then returned to practice with a two-by-four and threatened to carry a gun when he returned the next time.

One of Sprewell pit bulls severed his 4-year-old daughter’s ear. Sprewell, the ever-protective father, waited ten days to put the dog to sleep and then, Sprewell, the ever-caring father, downplayed the incident, saying, “Stuff happens.”

Sprewell was traded to the New York Knicks. He then broke his hand after slipping on his yacht. The New York Post said Sprewell swung at a guest, missed, and hit a wall instead.

“If I was trying to hit somebody, I think I would hit them,” Sprewell said.


Sprewell once refused a $21 million contract because he said it was not enough money to feed his children.


The mother of four of Sprewell’s children sued him for $200 million in 2007, accusing him of assaulting her and ending their long-term cohabitation agreement.

In 2008, Sprewell’s $1.5 million yacht was repossessed after he defaulted on the mortgage.


His home was foreclosed a year later.


 Sprewell earned $97 million in his NBA career and ended up bankrupt.


Sprewell once mocked his poor life decisions by saying, “Success is just failure that hasn’t happened yet.”