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Mark Meadows, who served as President Donald Trump’s last chief of staff, was granted immunity by special counsel Jack Smith, who is investigating Trump’s efforts to overturn the 2020 Presidential Election.

Meadows, in exchange for his testimony under oath, reportedly told Smith that he repeatedly told the president in the weeks after the election that allegations of widespread voting fraud in the election were without merit, ABC News reported in October 2023.

Meadows, ABC News said, told investigators that Trump was being “dishonest” by claiming that he won the election.

“The descriptions of what Meadows allegedly told investigators shed further light on the evidence Smith’s team has amassed as it prosecutes Trump for allegedly trying to unlawfully retain power and ‘spread lies’ about the 2020 election,” ABC said.

Meadow’s testimony under oath contradicts what he wrote in his book that the election was “stolen” and “rigged” with help from “allies in the liberal media,” who ignored “actual evidence of fraud, right there in plain sight for anyone to access and analyze.”


Meadows surrendered himself to the Fulton County, Georgia, In August 2023, on two felony charges related to former president Donald Trump’s efforts to overturn Georgia’s 2020 election results.


Meadows argued that he was acting in his capacity as a federal official when working for Trump and was therefore immune to prosecution.


This is the so-called Nuremberg defense, unsuccessfully used by Nazis Gestapo officers to avoid punishment for their crimes at the Nuremberg trials after World War II.

While Meadows served in Congress, he was a founding member of the Freedom Carcass, a right-wing group, euphemistically called the Freedom Caucus, which tried to starve American institutions until they died of neglect. This include shrinking the federal government so much it would be controlled by then-President Donald Trump and his cadre of ne’er-do-wells.

It also included trying to repeal ObamaCare, which has saved the lives of an estimated 20,000 people.

Meadows, who served as U.S. representative from the 11th district of North Carolina, left Congress to become Trump’s chief of staff where he chastised the Food and Drug Administration and vaccine experts for trying to control the COVID-19 pandemic – even as hundreds of thousands of Americans were dying.


Meadows is pro-life with an exception for people who are living.

Meadows supported President’s Trump’s “Big Lie” that Trump lost the 2020 Presidential Election because of voter fraud.

The evidence shows no widespread voter fraud.

Except for a few isolated cases.

Such as Mark Meadows.

Meadows was investigated for committing voter fraud. Fox News reported that Meadows drew the attention of federal authorities when it was revealed that he was simultaneously registered to vote in North Carolina and two other states surfaced.


The House of Representatives voted to hold Meadows in contempt of Congress after he refused to cooperate with the Jan. 6 Committee that investigated the U.S. Capitol insurrection. On January 6, 2021.This was the first time Congress had voted to hold a former member in contempt in almost 200 years.

