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Matt Schlapp is a conservative political lobbyist, a Fox News contributor, and chair of the American Conservative Union.


He worked for Koch Industries, served in the George W. Bush White House, and advised President Donald Trump. His wife Mercedes was Trump’s director of Strategic Communications.



Schlapp also endorsed Trump’s claims that he lost the 2020 Presidential Election because of voter fraud.

He claimed, for instance, that there were 9,000 votes improperly cast in Nevada.

PolitiFact, the fact-checking arm of Poynter Institute, gave Schlapp’s statement a rating of “Pants on Fire,” which it reserves for the most egregious of lies.


This makes Schlapp a liar.

If Carlton Huffman’s accusations of what happened on October 19, 2022, are correct, Schlapp is also a sexual deviant.

This puts him in company with dozens of others in the Trump orbit – including Trump.

Politico reported that Huffman, a staffer for Herschel Walker, a former football player who was running for U.S. Senate in Georgia, was driving Schlapp back to a hotel after a Walker campaign event when, according to Huffman, Schlapp put his hand on Huffman’s leg and “began aggressively fondling” his “genital area in a sustained fashion.”

Huffman said he was “frozen with fear and panic.” Schlapp, Huffman said, reportedly invited Huffman to his hotel room. Huffman declined.

In January 2023, Huffman, filed a $9.4 lawsuit against Schlapp for sexual battery. The suit also included Schlapp’s wife Mercedes, who, Huffman said, joined with her husband in defaming him on social media after the charges were made.

Huffman’s attorney said he “takes no joy in filing this lawsuit,” but that Schlapp “has had ample time to accept responsibility and apologize for his despicable actions.”



Schlapp has denied the accusations.

A number of media organizations reported that Schlapp offered Huffman a settlement in the “low six figures.” Huffman then countered with a “significantly higher account” that Schlapp rejected, the New Republic said.



Schlapp may find his name added to other colorful Yiddish words:

Schlep: One who acts in a slovenly, lazy, or sloppy manner

Schtup: To engage in sexual intercourse.


Schlapp: To engage in unwanted fondling in the genital area.