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In Stephanie Grisham’s book I’ll Take Your Questions Now, the former White House press secretary accused her then-boyfriend, who she identified as a Trump White House staffer, of physically abusing her when the two were in a romantic relationship.

She then repeated the claim in an op-ed piece in the Washington Post. She again did not identify him but added that former president Trump “has endorsed my ex’s bid for Congress.”


This made it obvious to Max Miller anyway — Grisham’s former boyfriend and a former White House aide who was running for a congressional seat in Ohio – that she had accused him of sexual abuse.

Within hours of Grisham’s piece appearing online, Max Miller sued her for defamation.


Politico published a profile about Miller, a son of one of the richest families in Cleveland, that said, he “can be a cocky bully with a quick-trigger temper. He has a record of speeding, underage drinking and disorderly conduct—documented charges from multiple jurisdictions that include a previously unreported charge in 2011 for driving under the influence that he subsequently pleaded down to a more minor offense.”

In addition, the Politico piece reported that three people corroborated Grisham’s account that Miller’s relationship with Grisham ended “when he pushed her against a wall and slapped her in the face in his Washington apartment after she accused him of cheating on her.”


Donald Trump endorsed Miller “as a great guy” during his successful run for Congress.

Grisham, for her part, said that she told Trump and his wife Melania about the abuse when she was working in the White House. They did nothing, she said.


You can hardly expect Trump – who has been found guilty of sexual abuse – to take action against anyone who has been accused or found guilty of sexual abuse.

This would leave him – or so it seems – with few friends or people working for him.

Here is a partial list of Trump staffers, associates, or friends who have been accused of, investigated for, or found guilty of sexual abuse.

Jeffrey Epstein

Jason Miller

Rudy Giuliani

Sean Parnell

Charles Herbster

Rob Porter

Eric Greitens

Corey Lewandowski

George Nader

Bobby Knight

Steve Wynn

Paris Dennard

Mike Tyson

Milo Yiannopoulos

Roy Moore

Matt Gaetz

Miller was elected to Congress in 2022.       

In August 2023, Miller voluntarily dropped his defamation suit against Grisham.

Cleveland.com said the case has been “dismissed with prejudice” with each side paying their own court costs.
