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Televangelist media mogul Pat Robertson acknowledged six weeks after the 2020 Presidential Election that Democrat Joe Biden won the election.

This put him in conflict with Donald Trump, who continued to dispute the results of the election.

Robertson told viewers on his syndicated Christian television program The 700 Club that Trump “lives in an alternate reality” and needs to “move on” from his loss.


And who better to talk about alternative reality than Robertson?

Robertson endorsed Trump in 2016 and 2020.

Before the 2020 election, Robertson said that God had told him that Trump would win the election, but, in a more hopeful note, the televangelist said that the Earth would soon be destroyed by an asteroid.

Robertson also predicted the end of the world in 1982 and 2007. He was wrong both times.


In 1985, Robertson said his prayers were responsible for steering a hurricane away from his home in Virginia Beach, Virginia, and hitting mid-Atlantic states where it killed eight people and caused $900 million in damage.

Robertson has described feminism as “a socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians.”


He also suggested that it would be good for the country to explode a nuclear weapon at the headquarters of the State Department in Washington D.C.


In addition, he called for the assassination of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez.


Robertson also claimed on his web site he could leg press 2,000 pounds by drinking his “Age-Defying energy shake.”


In 2017, Robertson blamed the worst mass murder in Las Vegas – the worst mass murder in US history – on “our profound disrespect” for President Trump and the National Anthem.


The list of Robertson’s absurd comments could fill a book the length of The Bible – although there would little overlap between anything the evangelical pastor said and what is in The Bible.

Robertson’s net worth when was died was estimated at $100 million.


Jesus Christ, by comparison, had no net worth when he died.