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Reverend Robert Jeffress, Jr.’s educational qualifications separate him from many other conservative pastors included on this blog who support Donald Trump.

He has a bachelor’s of science degree from Baylor University, a master’s of theology degree from Dallas Theological Seminary, and a doctor of Ministry from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas.


Jeffress became pastor of First Baptist Church of Dallas in 2007. Since then, the congregation has grown to 13 thousand and his weekly television and radio program airs internationally.


Jeffress has extensively read and studied The Bible and quotes from The Book to give his followers information they may not have heard elsewhere. He says there was “no credible argument” against coronavirus vaccines. https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/572866-baptist-rev-jeffress-says-there-is-no-credible-religious/

He once said that “all racism” is “repulsive and totally contradictory to the teaching of God.”


These views run contrary to those of Donald Trump, who Jeffress fervently endorses. Jeffress, contrary to Trump and many other prominent evangelists, has remained loyal to his wife. He has avoided the sex scandals of Trump and so many other prominent evangelists. Unlike Trump, Jeffress emphatically denounced racism after a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville.


Jeffress remains an enthusiastic supporter of Donald Trump, calling him “a great friend of Christians everywhere.”

Jeffress says he won’t endorse any candidate unless they adhere to Biblical principles.

“All I ask is that they vote based on their Biblical values,” he said.


Which of course explains his support for Donald Trump, a cruel, manipulative, fraudulent, selfish, profane, adulterous, pussy-grabbing con man.

Jeffress is intolerant of religions besides Christianity but unflinching in his support of Trump.

He defended Trump’s affair with Stormy Daniels, an adult film star, by telling Fox and Friends, “Even if it’s proven to be true, it doesn’t matter.”

It doesn’t matter!

Such allegations against Trump were irrelevant, he said, arguing that the president’s policies matter more than his personal life.


The Trump administration’s immigration policy led to the separation of thousands of migrant children from their parents. Many of those children have yet to be reconciled with their parents.

Jeffress supported this policy.


I could not find any reference in The Bible to endorse separating children from their parents and throwing the kids in steel cages

But I’m pretty sure Jesus would have opposed it.

When the Democratic-led House of Representatives began its first impeachment inquiry of Trump, Jeffress said that if Trump was removed from office, “it will cause a Civil War-like fracture in this nation from which our country will never heal.”


Jeffress, to his credit, was one of the earliest Trump supporters to acknowledge that Joe Biden defeated Donald Trump in the 2020 Presidential Election.


And Jeffress, to his credit, condemned the violence at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, “as well as despicable and wrong.”


The Dallas Observer published a list of ten Jeffress beliefs, including:

10. Robert Jeffress thinks that the Supreme Court decision that legalized gay marriage is the worst in the history of the court.

9. Robert Jeffress thinks that abortion caused 9/11. 

8. Robert Jeffress thinks gay sex might make you explode. 

7. Robert Jeffress thinks President Obama is paving the way for the Antichrist.

6. Robert Jeffress thinks that the Chamber of Commerce, because it wants to respect the rights of transgender individuals, is a bigger threat to freedom of religion than the Islamic State.

5. Robert Jeffress thinks Donald Trump has a grasp of the issues.

4. Robert Jeffress thinks that the Fifty Shades of Grey movie might have been a signifier of the end times.

3. Robert Jeffress thinks Pope Francis owes Donald Trump an apology for questioning Trump’s faith.

2. Robert Jeffress thinks pedophilia and homosexuality are connected.

1. Robert Jeffress thinks contemporary American Christians face similar challenges to Jews in pre-war Germany.  


It’s hard to fault Jeffress on Number 4.