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Sean Parnell, the Donald Trump-endorsed candidate for the U.S. Senate in Pennsylvania in 2022, dropped out of the campaign after he lost a fight for custody of his children to his estranged wife, who had accused him of abuse in court testimony.



CNN reported that, according to court documents, Parnell’s estranged wife Laurie Snell accused him “of throwing chairs at her; dropping her off on an interstate when she was six months pregnant and telling her to get an abortion; and choking and strangling her.”


Trump directed his anger not at Parnell but at his son Don Jr., who is friend of Parnell, who convinced his father to endorse the former Army Ranger.

Trump didn’t rescind his endorsement of Parnell upon learning that he had been accused of sexual abuse.

Trump – himself a convicted sexual predator – has a unwavering loyalty to others who have been convicted of sexual assault, charged with sexual assault, or accused of sexual assault.

You can hardly expect Trump – who has been found guilty of sexual abuse – to take action against anyone who has been accused or found guilty of sexual abuse.

This would leave him – or so it seems – with few friends, political allies, or associates working for him.

Here is a partial list of Trump staffers, associates, or friends who have been accused of, investigated for, or found guilty of sexual abuse.

Jeffrey Epstein

Jason Miller

Rudy Giuliani

Max Miller

Charles Herbster

Rob Porter

Eric Greitens

Corey Lewandowski

George Nader

Bobby Knight

Steve Wynn

Paris Dennard

Mike Tyson

Milo Yiannopoulos

Roy Moore

Matt Gaetz