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Terrell Owens, a former NFL receiver and deadbeat dad who once appeared on the Dr. Phil television program after three of the four mothers of his children accused him of stiffing them on child support, was one of the first sports figures to endorse Donald Trump.

“This may be what the country needs and Trump  . . . he’s a guy who won’t put up with B.S. and has what it takes to change how the government is run,” he told TMX.

Owens, or “T.O.,” as he’s known, appeared on Celebrity Apprentice, where Trump, as the program’s host sent contestants home with the words, “You’re fired.”

Owens give Trump this clever shout out with his endorsement, “You’re hired!”

He then added this zinger, “Plus, as the president, Trump would be able to say he knows me and he likes me … LOL!”

The great wits know just where to add the LOL.

Owens made a pitch for a job in the Trump Administration, if he was elected.



When Trump fired Owens from The Apprentice, he said, “You know how much I like you. And I’ve gained great, great respect for you. And you’ve really done a good job. And you’ve helped yourself immeasurably.”


This was of course more than Trump ever said about Jeff Sessions – but then again Sessions never appeared on Celebrity Apprentice.

Bleacher Report named Owens Number 1 on its list of the “50 most hated players in NFL history” in 2011.

Bleacher Report expressed a bit of surprise about Owens being “the best hated football player in NFL history” because, as it said, he “doesn’t have a criminal record and there aren’t women lining up sexual assault allegations against him.”


This if of course more than anyone can say about Donald Trump.