Still working...


I began writing a book about the people in the Trump Presidential Administration called Only the Best People — because Trump famously said that as president he would surround himself “with only the best and most serious people.”

(He really said that.)

My book’s subtitle was The Criminals, Sycophants, Bigots, Swindlers, Liars, Demagogues, Pedophiles, Pornographers, Imbeciles, Lunatics, Bullies, Misogynists, Parasites, Plagiarists, Perjurers, Extortionists, Traitors, Insurrectionists, Conspiracy junkies, and Other Deviants Who Contributed to the Trump Presidency.

I was told the subtitle had too many words.

Devastated by this criticism, I soldiered on and decided the book would work better as a blog, where I could add or delete as circumstances dictated. I have compiled 300 names (so far).

This number, admittedly, is inadequate to capture the vastness of the Trumpian wasteland. I apologize in advance for the dozens, scores, or perhaps hundreds of deserving Trump associates and sycophants who are not included. I will try to correct that oversight.

The blog, Only The Worst People, is organized into ten categories, which I’ve identified below. Dante’s hell had nine rings. Trump’s hell has ten.

Here they are.

Just click and read.

I. Trump appointees, advisors, associates, accomplices, asshats, and other swamp creatures . . .

II. The House Freedom Carcass (Caucus) and other “legislative terrorists,” election deniers, conspiracy nuts, miscreants, and morons …

III. Sexual abusers and sexual predators, pedophiles, pornographers, perverts, and other creeps (convicted, admitted, and credibly accused) …

IV. To Russia with Trump: Comrades, convicts, Putin lickspittles, and Putin …


V. Traitors, insurrectionists, seditionists, election deniers, anarchists, and other extremists …

VI. Pardon Me …

VII. Fox News, Trump sycophants, and other lying liars …

VIII. Bad actors, bad seeds, bad sports, bad jokes, and other bad apples …

IX. Charlatans, hypocrites, false apostles, and other children of a dysfunctional God …

X. Trump’s family, frauds, fixers, influencers, and (imaginary) friends …