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Donald Trump pardoned Charles Kushner in December 2020 for tax evasion, witness tampering, and making illegal campaign donations in what the Associated Press called “a case tailor-made for tabloid headlines.”


Perhaps you’ve heard that name.

Trump’s daughter Ivanka is married to Kushner’s son Jared, who is the son of, you guessed it, Charles Kushner.

Trump pardoned Kushner in one of his last acts as president.

In 2005, Charles Kushner discovered his brother-in-law, William Schulder, was cooperating with federal authorities in a campaign-finance investigation of Kushner.


Kushner, in an act of retaliation, hired a prostitute to lure Schulder to a New Jersey motel room where their tryst was recorded with a hidden camera. Kushner then had the recording sent to his sister, The Associated Press reported.


What a guy!

There is no record of whether Kushner came up with the idea himself or solicited it from Trump.

Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie called what Kushner’s did “one of the most loathsome, disgusting crimes” he ever prosecuted as U.S. attorney.

Kushner’s scheme didn’t work – though it certainly livened up Thanksgiving Dinner between the Kushners and the Schulders.

Christie made a plea agreement with Kushner to plead guilty to 18 counts of tax evasion, witness tampering, and making illegal campaign donations. Kushner was sentenced to two years in prison and fined $508,000 by the Federal Election Commission for illegal campaign donations, the Associated Press reported.


Christie, who became governor of New Jersey, ran for the Republican nomination to be the party’s presidential candidate in 2016. He dropped out and endorsed Trump.

But after Trump won the election, Christie was ousted from Trump’s transition team by Jared Kushner because Christie had prosecuted his father, Christie told PBS’ Margaret Hoover.


Christie and the Kushners remain connected by a mutual loathing of one another.

Christie, while running for president, in 2023, lashed out at the Kushner family.

“The grift from this family is breathtaking,” Christie said.

Christie then referred to a $2 billion deal between from the Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman-led Public Investment Fund and Jared Kushner’s Affinity Partners.

“Jared Kushner and Ivanka Kushner walk out of the White House and months later get $2 billion from the Saudis. $2 billion from the Saudis,” Christie said. “You think it’s because he’s some kind of investing genius? Or do you think it’s because he was sitting next to the President of the United States for four years doing favors for the Saudis?”
