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In the 1984 comedy Ghostbusters, Bill Murray, Dan Akroyd, and Harold Ramis fight Gozer the Gozerian, a genderless, sadistic, apocalyptic, shape-shifting god-like entity who wants to destroy the world. 

In the U.S. Congress, there is Paul Gosar, who has many of the same characteristics as Gozer the Gozerian — except he’s not a god-like entity and can’t shift shapes and he only wants to destroy the country.

Gosar’s own siblings have called him a traitor and demanded his expulsion from Congress for his efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election.


Before Donald Trump supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol in attempted coup to overthrow the election of Joe Biden as president, Paul Gosar claimed that Biden was an “illegitimate usurper” and that Trump was the victim of an attempted coup.

Gosar became the first member of Congress to spread the conspiracy that Antifa, an anti-fascist, anti-racist liberal organization, was behind the violence at the Capitol. Mo Brooks and Matt Gaetz also perpetuated this falsehood.

CNN’s fact-check reporters categorically refuted this.


Newspaper reports said that Gosar and his fellow Arizona Republican congressman Andy Biggs were both among GOP lawmakers who asked Trump to pardon the insurrectionists who stormed the capitol.


One wonders why Gosar, if he really thought members of Antifa were behind the riot, would want Trump to pardon them.

But this is apparently how the minds of genderless, sadistic, apocalyptic, god-like entities work.

Gosar falsely claimed the violent rally of white supremacists in Charlottesville, Virginia, was organized by Democratic doner George Soros, a Hungarian-born Jew, who Gosar falsely claimed had “turned in his own people to the Nazis” during World War II. 


On January 6, 2020, Gosar spread a photoshopped photograph of former President Barack Obama meeting with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani with the caption: “The world is a better place without these guys in power.” There were at least two things wrong about the photo: Rouhani was still in power and he had never met with Obama.

When Gozar was criticized, he said, “No one said this wasn’t photoshopped.”


What makes Gosar different from other Trump accomplices is that even his own family, who presumably know him better than most people, hates him.

When Gosar ran for re-election in 2018, six of his siblings endorsed his Democratic opponent in a series of campaign ads, which said, “Don’t vote for our brother.”

Three of Gosar’s siblings called for their brother to be removed from Congress in response to the congressman’s involvement in the January 6 storming of the Capitol. “When you talk about what happened the other day, you’re talking about treason,” Tim Gosar said. “You’re talking about overthrowing the government. That’s what this is. If that doesn’t rise to the level of expulsion, what does?”


His siblings wrote an op-ed piece that eviscerated their brother:

“Maybe you don’t know how you got to this very dark place, Paul. Unfortunately, we have some ideas,” his siblings wrote. “Maybe it’s because you’re in way over your head in Congress and don’t have the intellect, character or maturity to be in that leadership role. Maybe your lifelong, insecure need for the approval of others caused you to sacrifice your common decency and integrity to satisfy Trump and his followers in order to keep your seat.”


On September 25, 2023, Gosar joined Former President Donald Trump in claiming that retiring Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Army Gen. Mark Milley was a traitor who deserved to be executed.
