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Randy Quaid used to be a well-respected actor with a number of award-winning performances.

He is also known for playing, among other things, Chevy Chase’s dimwitted Cousin Eddie in the National Lampoon’s Vacation movies and the dimwitted and paranoid Russell Casse in the movie Independence Day.

Quaid continues to play dimwitted people.

But nobody pays him to do it anymore.

As his acting career has faded, Quaid has remained in the news media after he and his wife Evi were accused of defrauding an innkeeper of $10,000 and then they were charged with burglary after spending several days in a vacant home they once owned but didn’t anymore.

The Quaids missed several court appearances and fled to Canada, where Evi is a citizen and where they sought asylum by claiming their lives were being threatened by a murderous cult of accountants, attorneys, and embezzlers called “Star Whackers,” whom they blamed for the deaths of actors David Carradine and Heath Ledger – neither of whom was murdered.

The Quaids stayed in Canada until Randy faced deportation because he did not have residency.


And then things got weird.

In 2015, Evi Quaid wore a mask of News Corp founder Rupert Murdoch while they simulated sex in a video that Randy shared. The British broadsheet, The Independent, said this was just one of the really weird video clips that Randy had shared.


You don’t want to read about – or certainly see — the others.

People magazine chronicled a series of its stories about Quaid.


The Quaids moved to Vermont, where they were arrested because they were deemed fugitives by the U.S. Customs office because of their earlier criminal charges. The charges were eventually dismissed.


And then things got really weird.

Quaid is a big fan of President Trump – and Trump is a big fan of Quaid’s.


That is not the weird part.

This is the only thing in the Quaid post that makes sense.

After Trump lost the 2020 Presidential Election, he tried to convince Americans that he was the rightful winner of the election.

And whom did he turn for help in promoting his bogus claim?

Randy Quaid.

In late November 2020, a few weeks after the election, Trump retweeted several tweets by Quaid, who had falsely claimed fraud in the election.


America was paying attention.

Or at least the country’s late-night television comedians were.

Jimmy Kimmel said:

“For those who remember Randy Quaid as Cousin Eddie from the ‘Vacation’ movies, he has a long list of accomplishments outside acting: He’s been arrested a few times, he tried to get asylum in Canada, he believes there’s a group called the Hollywood Star Whackers that is plotting to kill him — and our president retweeted that person five times today.”

James Corden said:

“Five Randy Quaid retweets. Two, sure. Three, that’s pushing it. Five? I think that makes him secretary of agriculture.”

Stephen Colbert said:

“Quaid, of course, is most famous for trying to erect a Randy Quaid museum, or claiming he’s on the run from a celebrity-killing organization called the Hollywood Star Whackers, or showing up in court wearing a sheriff’s badge, or posting disturbing sex tapes in which he and his wife are having intercourse below a picture of Rupert Murdoch. Obviously, Randy’s a busy guy — barely has time to buy and sell urine on Craigslist.”

Stephen Colbert then said:

“So, a crazy guy retweeted another crazy guy performing the first crazy guy’s crazy tweet. It’s a Möbius mess. It’s like watching two toddlers try to change each other’s diapers, but somehow, it’s even more full of crap.”

And finally, Colbert said this:

“The only person listening to Randy Quaid is his therapist, which, unfortunately, is an old boot he put a hat on.”