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Donald Trump has few friends, which is perhaps why he has so many imaginary friends.

He is, in the words of his niece, psychologist Mary Trump, a “likely sociopath” who cheated his way into college and bullied his brother (Mary’s father), who committed suicide. Trump is a pathological liar, a con artist, and a profligate cheater who cheats his business clients, his business partners, his government, his country, and just about anyone he has done business with.

He cheats at golf.

He cheats his friends what few he has), and he has cheated on all his wives. He cheated on his current wife, who was once a soft-core model, with a hard-core adult film actress.

He has been convicted of sexual assault and libel. One of his closest friends was a pedophile. Trump has been found guilty multiple times of fraud. His role models in politics are mass murderers.

Steve Wynn, his business rival and friend, said of Trump: “How deeply is he disturbed? When he was a kid growing up — who did this to him?”

Here is list of Trump’s fixers, family, influencers and friends (imaginary and otherwise):

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Sheldon Adelson, Trump friend, financial contributor, and casino owner,

Steve Bannon is a human nightmare, a slithering, hate-spewing evil spirit that haunts us whether we are awake or asleep, a monstrous character whose pure odiousness makes Donald Trump a worse person. Steve Bannon made Donald Trump a worse person. Let this be Bannon’s epitaph,

Thomas Barrack, Trump friend who recommended Paul Manafort to be the presidential candidate’s campaign manager and was later charged with being an unregistered foreign agent,

John Barron, John Baron, John Miller, and David Dennison, Donald Trump’s imaginary friends,

Conrad Black, pardoned by President Donald Trump, his friend, biographer, and sycophant on a fraud conviction after he had served a prison sentence and been deported,

Mark Burnett, television producer who revived Donald Trump’s reputation as a much-bankrupted business failure and con man by casting him as a business genius as the host of reality show, The Apprentice,

Michael Cohen, Trump fixer who was convicted for tax evasion and perjury, who later regretted working for Trump, calling him “a racist,” “a conman,” and “a cheat,”

Roy Cohn, loathsome, repulsive, abhorrent political advisor who created the monster that became Donald Trump, who ultimately turned his back on Cohn, who famously said about Trump: “Donald pisses ice water,”

Bill Clinton, his pants-free presidency may have foreshadowed the Donald Trump presidency. The Washington Post reported that Clinton and Trump, who had long been friends, chatted shortly before Trump announced his candidacy to run for the GOP nomination for president.

Stormy Daniels, adult star film star who was paid $130 thousand to keep quiet about her affair with Donald Trump,

Jeffrey Epstein, longtime close friend of Donald Trump and pedophile, charged with having sex – and arranging for his friends to have sex — with underaged girls; hanged himself in jail cell,

Rudy Giuliani, a former New York City mayor who, under the influence of Donald Trump, became a lying, racist, farting, seditious, bankrupted, conspiracy mongrel who ended up outside a Philadelphia sex shop begging for scraps.

Sean Hannity, conspiracy-minded Trump apologist who perpetuated lies about the election and was named in Dominion Voting Services $1.6 billion lawsuit against Fox News,

Adolf Hitler, admired by Donald Trump who appropriated Hitler’s words about “fake news” and the press being “the enemy of the people,” and told his chief of staff that the German fuehrer “did a lot of good things,”

Charles Kushner, President Donald Trump pardoned his son-in-law Jared Kushner’s father, who was convicted of tax evasion, witness tampering, and making illegal campaign donations,

Vince McMahon, friend of Donald Trump who lost his job as CEO of World Wrestling Enterprises after being accused of sexual assault, sex trafficking, and physical abuse,

Bill O’Reilly, bully, narcissist, fabulist, bullshitter, and congenital liar who has been accused of sexual assault by multiple women, who shares vanilla milkshakes with Donald Trump, a bully, narcissist, fabulist, bullshitter, and congenital liar who has been accused of sexual assault by multiple women, 

Vladimir Putin, ruthless, authoritarian dictator who former President Donald Trump talks about the way poets talk about love,

Roger Stone, President Donald Trump pardoned this longtime GOP adviser who was found guilty of a series of crimes related to a congressional investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 Presidential Election,

Elizabeth Christ Trump, the mother of Fred Trump Sr. and the paternal grandfather of Donald Trump,

Fred Trump Sr., the father of Donald Trump, a racist, ruthless, amoral, grandstanding, tax-evading, law-breaking, megalomaniac narcissist who didn’t care about anyone but himself and was seemingly incapable of empathy (remind you of anyone?),

Mary Trump, gave birth to Donald Trump and there is nothing worse one can say about her.

Trump Foundation, Donald Trump promised $2 million to eight charities but spent the money to promote his presidential bid, pay off business debts, and buy a portrait of himself,

Trump University, Donald Trump was ordered to pay $25 million to former students for, among other things, operating “an unlicensed, illegal education institution,”

Steve Wynn, disgraced casino owners and friend of Donald Trump, who named him finance chair of the National Republican Committee; resigned as CEO of Wynn Resorts after dozens of his employees accused him of, among other things, rape, assault, and harassment,