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Donald Trump famously said that as president he was going to surround himself “with only the best and most serious people.”

Unfortunately, Trump didn’t know any people like that.

So Trump appointed the worst and most corrupt, incompetent, and unqualified people.

We know this because Trump told us so.

Trump fired a number of his staff or appointees because they were either corrupt or too incompetent (or both). Trump fired them — and I repeat myself — because they were too corrupt or too incompetent to meet or exceed Trump’s own hallucinatory standards of corruption and incompetence.

Dozens of appointees and staff were told they would be fired or their name would be dropped from nomination if didn’t resign or withdraw their name from nomination. Many of Trump’s appointees were rejected by the GOP Senate because they lacked the basic qualification for an appointment or a position in presidential administration.

Trump’s hires and appointees were no more qualified — and in some cases less qualified — for their positions than sloths are qualified to be runway models, a gymnasts, or astronauts.

Here is a partial list of Trump’s worst people:

. . . Click the name in the box and read more.

Alexander Acosta, resigned as Donald Trump’s secretary of labor after it was revealed that, as a U.S. attorney, he had failed to prosecute Trump friend, sex trafficker, and pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, 

Sheldon Adelson, Trump friend, financial contributor, and casino owner,

Scott Atlas, Trump sycophant and accomplice who resigned as the president’s coronavirus adviser after the administration realized that it probably wasn’t good policy to rely on advice from someone with no background as an infectious disease researcher or scientist,

Alex Azar II, Trump’s secretary of Health and Human Services who permanently separated migrant mothers from children and screwed up distribution of Covid-19 vaccines,

Steve Bannon is a human nightmare, a slithering, hate-spewing evil spirit that haunts us whether we are awake or asleep, a monstrous character whose pure odiousness makes Donald Trump a worse person. Steve Bannon made Donald Trump a worse person. Let this be Bannon’s epitaph.

Eli Bartov, accounting professor who was paid $1 million to testify on Donald Trump’s defense in New York City fraud trial,

Darren Beattie, Neo-Nazi White House speechwriter who was fired after it was reported that he had strong ties with white nationalists, 

David Bossie, conservative activist, propagandist, racist, con artist, and Donald Trump’s former deputy campaign manager,

Ryan Bounds, federal prosecutor whose nomination to be a federal appellate judge was withdrawn after his racist writings were reported,

Ben Carson, President Donald Trump’s secretary of Housing and Urban Development who had no qualifications for the job and who didn’t know the difference between REOs (real-estate owned properties) and OREO cookies,

Ken Chesebro, the architect of the false-elector scheme to overturn the 2020 Presidential Election, pleaded guilty to a felony in connection to the conspiracy to change the results of the presidential election in Georgia,

Jeffrey Clark, President Donald Trump sycophant, accomplice, and indicted former Justice Department attorney who was charged among the naughty nineteen defendants in a Georgia election subversion case to overturn the results of the 2020 Presidential Election,

David Clarke, plagiarist and grandstanding, polarizing, Milwaukee, WI., sheriff who said he was offered a job in the Trump Administration as assistant director of Homeland Security in the Donald Trump Administration but the job, if there was one, never materialized after it was reported he was a plagiarist,

Sam Clovis, was appointed by President Donald Trump to be undersecretary of for research, education, and agriculture to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, but the appointment rejected after he acknowledged he had no background in science or agriculture,

Michael Cohen, Trump fixer who was convicted for tax evasion and perjury, who later regretted working for Trump, calling him “a racist,” “a conman,” and “a cheat,”

Roy Cohn, loathsome, repulsive, abhorrent political advisor who created the monster that became Donald Trump, who ultimately turned his back on Cohn, who famously said about Trump: “Donald pisses ice water,”

Kellyanne Conway, pathological lying counselor to/enabler of President Donald Trump, who recast the word “lying” as “alternative facts” and then repeated Trump’s lies and conspiracies as “alternative facts,”

Merritt Corrigan, deputy White House liaison for the U.S. Agency for International Development who was fired after posting a series of anti-LGBTQ tweets and later claimed to have been kidnapped by conservative conspiracy theory peddlers Jacob Wohl and Jack Burkman.

Monica Crowley, plagiarist, former syndicated radio host, and Fox News contributor, who was rejected for a position as director of communications for the Trump Administration’s National Security Council after being accused of multiple cases of plagiarism, 

Louis DeJoy, become postmaster general of the U.S. Postal Service during the President Donald Trump Administration without ever actually working for the postal service,

Alan Dershowitz, gifted defense attorney and media whore who went from being an unabashed Donald Trump critic to an unabashed Trump defender,

Betsy DeVos, her confirmation as education secretary was nearly rejected by the U.S. Senate because of her hostility toward education and because when she was asked whether guns should be allowed in schools, responded that there are guns in schools in Wyoming to protect administrators, teachers, and students “from grizzly bears,

Joe DiGenova, Donald Trump’s attorney and conspiracy peddler who called for Trump’s campaign security chief Christopher Krebs to be “shot” after Krebs called the 2020 Presidential Election “the most secure in history,”

John Eastman, disgraced Donald Trump attorney, indicted with eighteen other defendants for trying to overturn the results of the 2020 Presidential Election in Georgia,

Jenna Ellis, disgraced former Donald Trump attorney who pleaded guilty in connection to a conspiracy to overturn election results in Georgia during the 2020 Presidential Election,

Michael Flynn, President Donald Trump pardoned his former national security adviser-turned-seditionist-turned traitor,

Ryan Fournier, the co-founder of the national organization Students for Trump, was arrested in North Carolina in November 2023 on accusations that he struck a woman in the head with a handgun, according to police records in Johnston County, North Carolina.

Igor Fruman and Lev Parnas, Russian-born businessmen who worked with Donald Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani to spread disinformation that it was Ukraine – and not Russia – that meddled in the 2016 Presidential Election; each were convicted of violating campaign election laws and sentenced to prison.

Rick Gates, Trump campaign official who was sentenced to jail after pleading guilty to lying and conspiracy as part of special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russia meddling in the 2016 presidential election,

Rudy Giuliani, a former New York City mayor who, under the influence of Donald Trump, became a lying, racist, farting, seditious, bankrupted, conspiracy mongrel who ended up outside a Philadelphia sex shop begging for scraps.

Charles Goodwin, Holly Teeter, and Steven Grasz, President Donald Trump nominated all three for judgeships even though all received the rare distinction of either being rated unanimously “not qualified” by a majority of judges on a committee of the American Bar Association,

Sebastian Gorka, former adviser to President Donald Trump, Fox News contributor, pseudo intellectual, alt-right spokesman, self-absorbed fabulist, hawker of fish oil and snake oil, 

Mark Green, withdrew his name as President Donald Trump’s nominee to be secretary of the Army after the release of a video of him criticizing Muslims, gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transsexual Americans,

Stephanie Grisham, Trump White House press secretary who served from July 2019 until April 2020 without holding a single press conference, 

Kimberly Guilfoyle, fired from Fox News for distributing pornography, engaged to Donald Trump Jr. (icky, ickier),

Alex Hageman, Trump appointee who worked for the U.S. Commerce Department before he was sentenced to 5 ½ years in federal prison after pleading guilty to the possession of child pornography,

Nikki Haley, Confederate flag-flying former South Carolina governor and ambassador to the United States during the Trump Administration, 

Tim Kelly, President Donald Trump withdrew his nomination as assistant secretary of education after it was revealed he had called for banning all Muslims from air travel, said women aren’t interested in science careers, and called parents of low-income preschools “academically and socially needy,”

Bernard Kerik, former New York City police commissioner who was pardoned by President Donald Trump on charges of fraud, who then joined the president’s fraudulent campaign to discredit the election after the presidential election,

Federico Klein, State Department employee convicted of ten felonies and sentenced to almost six years in prison in connection with the January 6, 2021, insurrection,

Kris Kobach, Kansas attorney general, anti-immigrant zealot, birther who cozies up to hate groups and questions the voting rights of minorities, who has turned rabid xenophobia into a lucrative career,

Ken Kurson, good friend of Donald Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner and pardoned by President Trump after the former newspaper publisher was charged with stalking and harassment,

John Lambert, co-founder of national organization Students for Trump, who was sentenced to 13 months in federal prison after pleading guilty to a wire fraud after posing as an attorney and duping several people out of nearly $50 thousand,

Corey Lewandowski, Donald Trump advisor, adulterer, creep, bully, and reported sexual predator, 

Paul Manafort, Trump pardoned his former campaign manager who was serving a seven-year prison term for committing a number of federal crimes in connection to Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation of Russian meddling during the 2016 Presidential Election,

Tom Marino, withdrew his name to become the Trump Administration’s drug czar to fight the opioid epidemic after news stories reported that Marino had worked with the pharmaceutical industry to make it easier for Americans to get their hands on the highly addictive opioids,

Jeff Mateer, President Donald Trump withdrew his name for a federal district judgeship after excerpts from a speech were released that included, among other things, that he described transgender children as proof of “Satan’s plan” and said that same-sex marriage would lead to polygamy and bestiality,

Mark Meadows, former chief of staff to President Donald Trump, charged with two felonies in relation to the conspiracy to overturn the results of the 2020 Presidential Election in Georgia,

Jason Miller, married, pro-life, pro-family values GOP political advisor, who impregnated a Trump campaign staffer, frequented strip shows and sex clubs, and impregnated a stripper and reportedly drugged her to abort her pregnancy,

Max Miller, Ohio congressman and former Trump staffer who was accused by his ex-girlfriend, Stephanie Grisham, of physically abusing her when they were dating,

Stephen Miller, political advisor called “one of the most evil people to have worked for Donald Trump,”

Cleta Mitchell, Donald Trump attorney who accompanied the former president when he called the Georgia secretary of state to intimidate the official into overturning the results of the Presidential Election in Georgia; she was called “arguably the most central player in the attempt to steal the election who isn’t facing prison time,”

Thomas Modly, acting Secretary of the U.S. Navy in the Trump’s Administration, who resigned under pressure for telling the crew of the fired commander of the USS Theodore Roosevelt that the commander “was either too naive or stupid to be the commanding officer of a ship like this,”

Barry Myers, withdrew his name from consideration after President Donald Trump nominated him to head the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) because he lacked the requisite science background for the job,

George Nader, adviser to GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump and lifelong pedophile, who pleaded guilty to charges of bringing an underaged boy to the United States for sex and for possession of child pornography that included sexual abuse of toddlers; sentenced to ten years in prison. 

Walt Nauta, Carlos De Oliveira, and Yuscil Taveras, were implicated in the federal case against former President Donald Trump for mishandling classified documents,

Peter Navarro, advisor to former President Donald Trump was found guilty of criminal contempt of Congress and sentenced to four months in federal prison,

Kirstjen Nielsen, the architect of President Donald Trump’s policy of separating families and putting children in metal cages,  

Omarosa Manigault Newman made the improbable – though sadly not unprecedented — transition from The Apprentice reality show to a job in the White House,

Scott O’Grady, President Donald Trump appointed this former Air Force pilot-turned conspiracy nut and purveyor of disinformation to be an Assistant Secretary of Defense,

George Papadopoulos, President Donald Trump pardoned this former adviser for lying to the FBI in its investigation of Russian meddling during the 2016 Presidential Election,

Kash Patel, served in President Donald Trump’s administration in the Defense Department and as an advisor on the National Security Council and wants to be attorney general if Trump is re-elected president in 2024 – despite having no knowledge or interest in the U.S. Constitution,

Sam Patten, a political consultant and lobbyist who became ensnarled in Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation of Russia meddling in the 2016 Presidential Election in part because of his long business partnership relationship with Konstantin Kilimnik, whom the FBI characterized as a “Russian spy,” 

David Pecker, publisher of several tabloids who conspired with Trump personal attorney Michael Cohen to pay hush money to suppress stories about Trump extramarital affairs,

William Perry Pendley, dismissed as acting director of the Bureau of Land Management, an agency of the Department of the Interior, by a federal judge in Montana because Pendley’s appointment had never been approved by the U.S. Senate,

Rick Perry, dimwitted Secretary of Energy in the Donald Trump Administration and former governor of Texas, who used his political connections to appear as a contestant on Dancing With the Stars,

Matthew Petersen, appointed by President Donald Trump to become a federal district judge in the District of Columbia, but his name was withdrawn from consideration when Senate Republicans expressed concerns that he had never tried a case, taken a deposition, or argued a motion in court or could not define basic legal terms, 

Dominic Pezzola, member of Proud Boys, sentenced to ten years in federal prison for his part in the January 6, 2021, insurrection,

Richard Pinedo, pleaded guilty to one count of identity fraud and was sentenced to six months in prison after being implicated in Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 Presidential Election,

Rob Porter, resigned as Donald Trump’s White House staff secretary after both his ex-wives accused him of domestic abuse,

Sidney Powell, former attorney for Donald Trump who pleaded guilty to six misdemeanors in connection to a conspiracy to overthrow results of presidential election in Georgia in 2020 in exchange for testifying against Trump; her claims of election fraud were so mind-boggling bonkers that they were refuted by Tucker Carlson on Fox News,

Tom Price, President Donald Trump’s Secretary of Health and Human Services who resigned under pressure from Trump after spending more than $400,000 in travel for chartered flights for private business,

Scott Pruitt, President Donald Trump’s Secretary of the Environment Protection Agency who resigned from the EPA under pressure from Trump after being the subject of 14 investigations into his conflict of interests, spending habits, and management practices,

John Ratcliffe, President Donald Trump appointed Texas Congressman John Ratcliffe to be the administration’s Director of National Intelligence, but a few days later the president withdrew his nomination after criticism that Ratcliffe had little experience in intelligence — and Trump had none,

Robert Reilly, an anti-Islamic homophobe who President Donald Trump appointed as director of Voice of America and whose writing were criticized as “mean-spirited, sexually explicit, and just plain weird,”

Todd Ricketts, President-elect Donald Trump named Todd Ricketts, Chicago Cubs co-owner and TD Ameritrade board member, to be his deputy commerce secretary but Ricketts withdrew his name from nomination after he couldn’t “reconcile his family’s complicated finances with the Office of Government Ethics” to avoid conflict of interests,

Sarah Huckabee Sanders, President Donald Trump replaced his first press secretary Sean Spicer, an obsequious liar who was hostile to the press, with Sarah Huckabee, who was a more obsequious, more dishonest, and more hostile to the press,

Anthony Scaramucci, hired by President Donald Trump to be the White House’s communications director to bring order to the White House; he brought more disorder and was fired after ten days,

Patrick Shanahan, President Donald Trump’s nomination to become secretary of Defense withdrew his name from consideration after it was reported that Shanahan and his former wife had been involved in a bloody domestic assault incident in 2010, 

Christopher Sharpley, President Donald Trump’s nominee to become the Central Intelligence Agency’s Inspector General withdrew his name from consideration after CIA staffers accused him of retaliating against for them for blowing the whistle on IG officials for allegedly mishandling evidence,

Bill Shine, forced out as Fox News president for failing to manage sexual misconduct claims at the network and found work as communications director at the Donald Trump White House infested with sexual misconduct charges,

David Shulkin, U.S. Secretary of Veterans Affairs who President Donald Trump fired in a tweet after the secretary’s personal travel was scrutinized by internal investigators,

Peter Smith, an investment banker and Republican Party operative who said he attempted to acquire Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s emails from Russian hackers, committed suicide,

David Sorensen, a White House speechwriter who resigned after his former wife said he had been physically and emotionally abusive, which included driving over her foot and extinguishing a lit cigarette on her hand, among other things, during their 2 ½ year marriage,

Richard Spencer, served as U.S. Secretary of the Navy from August 2017 until he was fired in November 2019,

Sean Spicer, served as White House press secretary for the first six months of the Trump Presidential Administration and set a standard for lying, toadyism, and incompetence for other Trump White House press secretaries,


Roger Stone, President Donald Trump pardoned this longtime GOP adviser who was found guilty of a series of crimes related to a congressional investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 Presidential Election,

Brett Talley, withdrew his name from consideration after President Donald Trump nominated the KKK defender to be a federal district judge even though he had had no courtroom experience and had received a unanimous rating of “not qualified” by a standing committee of the American Bar Association,

Alex van der Zwaan, Dutch attorney was sentenced to federal prison after admitting to lying to federal agents in the investigation of Special Counsel Robert Mueller into Russian meddling during the 2016 Presidential Election, 

Ruben Verastigui, worked as a senior digital strategist for the GOP Senate Republican Conference, the Republican National Committee, and the Trump re-election campaign in 2020, charged with distributing, receiving, and possessing child pornography, and sentenced to 12 ½ years in federal prison,

Vincent Viola, withdrew his name from nomination to be secretary of the Army because of a potential conflict of interests between the companies he owned and their financial interests with the government,  

Ron Vitiello, his nomination to become the permanent director of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement was rescinded by President Donald Trump for reportedly not being tough enough – even though Vitiello endorsed “zero tolerance” for immigrants that included separating parents and children,

Robert Weaver, nominated by President Donald Trump to be director of the Indian Health Service in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, but withdrew his name from consideration after questions arose about his work experience, (or lack thereof), job performance, and financial problems, which included filing for bankruptcy and failing to pay taxes on a business,

Allen Weisselberg, chief financial officer of the Trump Organization who was sentenced to five months in jail for operating a 13-year scheme to defraud federal, state, and local tax authorities of $1.76 million in taxes,

Kathleen Hartnett White, her nomination by President Donald Trump to lead the Environmental Protection Agency-led Council on Environmental Quality to advise the president on environmental issues was withdrawn after it was reported that she had written, among other things, that “fossil fuels dissolved the economic justification for slavery”; that  carbon dioxide was not a pollutant but “the gas of life”; and that ozone, or smog, isn’t harmful unless “you put your mouth over the tailpipe of a car for eight hours every day.”

Lin Wood, disbarred Donald Trump Lawyer and conspiracy peddler, who called for former Vice President Mike Pence to be executed for “treason” and who claimed widespread voter fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election — though he could not name anyone who had committed voter fraud,

Steve Wynn, disgraced casino owners and friend of Donald Trump, who named him finance chair of the National Republican Committee; resigned as CEO of Wynn Resorts after dozens of his employees accused him of, among other things, rape, assault, and harassment,