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Donald Trump has long had a connection with sports and entertainment. His connection to sports and entertainment, like his connection to politics, is similar to the connection that germs have on the human body.

Trump ruined the United States Football League and used the television program The Apprentice to rehabilitate his career from a narcissistic, bufoonish, bankrupted, swindling, sexual predator to a wildly successful businessmen who was really a narcissistic, bufoonish, bankrupted, swindling, sexual predator.

Here is a partial list of of bad actors, bad seeds, bad sports, bad jokes, and other bad apples who support Donald Trump and his politics.

. . . Click the name in the box and read more.

Kirstie Alley, has-been actress of sit-coms and overzealous Trump supporter,

Scott Baio, a profane lowlife and has-been actor, who was accused of sexual assault by one underage actor and mental torture by another on his sit-com Charles on Charge,

Stephen Baldwin, actor (kind of), Trump supporter who appeared on Celebrity Apprentice,

Roseanne Barr, groin-grabbing television sit-com star who became an outspoken supporter of pussy-grabbing president, 

Kirk Cameron, has-been actor, right-wing fanatic,

John Daly, alcoholic, former professor golfer who took literally the golf term “in the drink” and later compared Donald Trump and himself to Jesus Christ,

Diamond and Silk, the Step and Fetchit of Donald Trump supporters,

Lou Holtz, racist football coach who endorsed a racist presidential candidate,

Richie Incognito, one-time offensive guard remains one of the most offensive people to ever play in the NFL,

Don King, convicted murderer and often-accused con man who endorsed the presidential campaign of another often-accused con man, Donald Trump,

Bobby Knight, endorsed Donald Trump during 2016 Presidential Election, raising the question of why a psychotic, misogynistic college basketball coach with anger-management issues would endorse a psychotic, misogynistic real estate developer with anger-management issues?

Lil Pump, rapper who Donald Trump introduced as “Little Pimp” during a campaign rally during 2020 Presidential Election,

Lil Wayne, rapper who was pardoned by President Donald Trump for crimes related to gun possession after he had appeared with Trump during campaign events during the 2020 Presidential Election,

Vince McMahon, friend of Donald Trump who lost his job as CEO of World Wrestling Enterprises after being accused of sexual assault, sex trafficking, and physical abuse,

Terrell Owens, one of the first sports figures to endorse Donald Trump for president in 2016, a deadbeat dad, and a former NFL receiver who was voted the most hated player in league history,

Randy Quaid, Donald Trump supporter, known for playing dimwitted, paranoid, and mentally ill characters . . . he was not acting,

John Rocker, racist major league baseball pitcher who was suspended by Major League Baseball after expressing slurs about blacks, gays, Asians, endorsed Donald Trump for president in 2016,

Dennis Rodman, one of the best cross-dressing small forwards in NBA history, was, according to CNN, “perhaps the only person in the world” who had a personal relationship with a U.S. president, Donald Trump, and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, 

Curt Schilling, Nazi enthusiast, one of the best major pitchers of his era and one of the most appalling former athletes of any era, endorsed Trump in his campaign for president and Trump endorsed him to run for Congress in Arizona — even though Schilling lived in Massachusetts,

Kevin Sorbo, bad actor who has trouble finding acting parts because he is a bad actor,

Latrelle Sprewell, GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump won Sprewell’s endorsement after winning the Nevada caucuses during the early Republican primaries in 2016; Trump used the endorsement to shore up the key voting bloc of mentally unstable, bankrupted former athletes who were charged with assaulting their wives and or girlfriends,

Mike Tyson, then-presidential candidate Donald Trump boasted about his endorsement from Mike Tyson, a convicted rapist, registered sex offender, and an admitted drug addict and alcoholic, who once bit part of the ear off an opponent, brutalized at least one of his wives, and talked about wanting to eat children, 

Herschel Walker, President Donald Trump endorsed Walker, a GOP candidate running for the U.S. Senate in Georgia, raising the question of why an often-bankrupt, psychotic, misogynist with anger-management issues, who was repeatedly accused of abusing women would endorse a political candidate who was an often-bankrupt, psychotic, misogynist with anger-management issues, who was repeatedly accused of abusing women?

Terrence K. Williams, comedian (but only if you take his word for it), 

James Woods, established himself as an Academy Award-winning actor by playing creepy, unstable jerks, or, in other words, playing himself,

Chuck Woolery, has-been game show host whose idiotic claims about the coronavirus were retweeted by President Trump because – as everyone knows, has-been game show hosts know more about immunology than almost anyone else,

Ye (Kanye West), what does the rapper possibly have in common with a temperamental, egomaniacal, mentally ill man-child like Donald Trump?