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Donald Trump, like his political inspiration and forebearer Adolf Hitler, rose to power by trying to delegitimize the press. Hitler referred to journalists by the word “Lügenpresse!” (lying press). Trump supporters took up the cry because who better to quote during a political campaign in the United States than one of the most diabolical murderers of the 20th century?

Trump supporters were of course following the lead of Herr Trump. Trump called the news media “fake news” and, like Hitler, directed his own factory of purveyors of disinformation, misinformation, lies, and other alternative news

Here is a partial list of those purveyors of disinformation, misinformation, alternative news, and other outright lies.

. . . Click the name in the box and read more.

Roger Ailes, Fox News CEO, purveyor of misinformation, propagandist, accused sexual predator,

Maria Bartiromo, Fox News bloviator, conspiracy peddler, and agent of disinformation, who was repeatedly mentioned in Dominion Voting Services’ defamation lawsuit against the network,

Conrad Black, pardoned by President Donald Trump, his friend, biographer, and sycophant on a fraud conviction after he had served a prison sentence and been deported,

Mark Burnett, television producer who revived Donald Trump’s reputation as a much-bankrupted business failure and con man by casting him as a business genius as the host of reality show, The Apprentice,

Billy Bush, host of entertainment program Access Hollywood who interviewed Donald Trump when Trump said he liked to grab women by “the pussy,”

Tucker Carlson, journalist-turned-purveyor of disinformation and white supremacist “mother Tucker,” as Jimmy Kimmel called him, who was fired from Fox News after the network paid $12 million to settle a sexual harassment lawsuit against him,

Kellyanne Conway, pathological lying counselor to/enabler of President Donald Trump, who recast the word “lying” as “alternative facts” and then repeated Trump’s lies and conspiracies as “alternative facts,”

Stacey Dash, has-been actress who became a Fox News contributor, who was then fired by the network for making racially offensive statement, a privilege it reserves only for white men,

Diamond and Silk, the Step and Fetchit of Donald Trump supporters,

Dinesh D’Souza, right-wing conspiracy theory peddler and felon who once dated Ann Coulter and Laura Ingraham and later pardoned by President Donald Trump for making an illegal campaign contribution, not for dating Coulter and Ingraham,

Fox News, an oxymoron, is neither a fox nor is it news,

Nick Fuentes, Donald Trump did not appear to object to having dinner with a virulent Hitler-loving white supremacist – and apparently neither did Fuentes.

Sean Hannity, conspiracy-minded Trump apologist who perpetuated lies about the election and was named in Dominion Voting Services $1.6 billion lawsuit against Fox News,


Marcus Lamb, Phil Valentine, Dick Farrel, Mark Bernier, Jimmy DeYoung, and Bob Enyart, talk-radio commentators who died of the coronavirus after raging against vaccines and face masks as precautions against being infected with the coronavirus,

Rush Limbaugh, America’s best-paid bigot, who told a black listener to “take that bone out of your nose and call me back”; referred to feminists as “feminazis”; mocked gay men dying of AIDS; and said that legalizing gay marriage would lead to people marrying animals (which actually happened when his wife got married),  

Laura Loomer, racist conspiracy monger and political stalker who was endorsed by President Donald Trump when she ran for Congress, called “mentally unstable and a documented liar” by Marjorie Taylor Greene

Jeffrey Lord, neo-Nazi GOP political advisor who was fired from CNN after tweeting a Nazi salute and the words “Sieg Heil” at a liberal commentator and once called Donald Trump “the Martin Luther King of health care,”

Bill O’Reilly, bully, narcissist, fabulist, bullshitter, and congenital liar who has been accused of sexual assault by multiple women, who shares vanilla milkshakes with Donald Trump, a bully, narcissist, fabulist, bullshitter, and congenital liar who has been accused of sexual assault by multiple women, 

David Pecker, publisher of several tabloids who conspired with Trump personal attorney Michael Cohen to pay hush money to suppress stories about Trump extramarital affairs,

Chris Ruddy, a longtime friend of Donald Trump, and chief executive officer of Newsmax Media, a repository and purveyor of disinformation, misinformation, falsehoods, and bogus conspiracy theories, and a rehabilitation center for disgraced journalists, commentators, and former Trump administration officials,

Tony Schwartz, expressed regret for ghost writing Donald Trump’s autobiography, The Art of the Deal, that created the image of Trump “as a charmingly brash entrepreneur with an unfailing knack for business,”

Bill Shine, forced out as Fox News president for failing to manage sexual misconduct claims at the network and found work as communications director at the Donald Trump White House infested with sexual misconduct charges,

Jeff Zucker, television executive who gave an open mic to Donald Trump, rehabilitating the disgraced real estate businessman as a business genius and then, as head of CNN, promoted the presidential candidate so the network could make money off the destruction of US democracy,