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Donald Trump has been accused of sexual misconduct by dozens of women. He is a convicted sexual abuser himself who bragged about grabbing women “by the pussy. He also is a serial adulterer whose good friends included a pedophile. What is it about Trump that appeals so strongly to sexual predators?

One theory is his Trump cologne.

Another theory is that he is a narcissistic sociopath. But don’t take my word for this — take the word of his niece, Mary, a licensed psychologist.

Whatever the reason, no U.S. politician — perhaps no person — has surrounded himself with more sexual deviants or been a louder voice for those accused of sexual assault or sexual misconduct than Donald Trump.

Here is a partial list of Trump friends, associates, and appointees who have admitted to, been convicted of, charged with, or credibly accused of sexual abuse, sexual assault, pedophilia, pornography, and others acts of sexual perversion:

. . . Click the name in the box and read more.

Roger Ailes, Fox News CEO, purveyor of misinformation, propagandist, accused sexual predator,

Ali Alexander, convicted felon and “Stop the Steal” organizer, who admitted to sexting underaged boys for nude photos,

Scott Baio, a profane lowlife and has-been actor, who was accused of sexual assault by one underage actor and mental torture by another on his sit-com Charles on Charge,

Elliott Broidy, pleaded guilty in late 2009 to bribing New York State officials with $1 million worth of illegal gifts, became a fundraiser for Donald Trump during 2016 presidential campaign, and later resigned as deputy finance chair of the RNC after it was reported that he paid $1.6 million to a former Playboy model in exchange for her silence about their affair, her pregnancy, and her abortion,

Herman Cain, former GOP presidential candidate who died after reportedly contracting COVID-19 at a Trump political campaign rally, 

Tucker Carlson, journalist-turned-purveyor of disinformation and white supremacist “mother Tucker,” as Jimmy Kimmel called him, who was fired from Fox News after the network paid $12 million to settle a sexual harassment lawsuit against him,

Madison Cawthorn, lying, right-wing, boozing, cross-dressing, gun-toting politician and often-accused sexual deviant who endorsed – and was endorsed by — President Donald Trump,

Bill Clinton, his pants-free presidency inspired Donald Trump’s pants-free presidency,

Stormy Daniels, adult star film star who was paid $130 thousand to keep quiet about her affair with Donald Trump,

Stacey Dash, has-been actress who became a Fox News contributor, who was then fired by the network for making racially offensive statement, a privilege it reserves only for white men,

Paris Dennard, accused sexual deviant who often appeared on television to defend Donald Trump, a convicted sexual deviant,

Jeffrey Epstein, longtime close friend of Donald Trump and pedophile, charged with having sex – and arranging for his friends to have sex — with underaged girls; hanged himself in jail cell,

Jerry Falwell Jr., sexual deviant was reportedly blackmailed with compromising sexual photos to endorse Donald Trump in the 2016 Presential Campaign,

Ryan Fournier, co-founder of a national organization Students for Trump, implicated in fraudulent scheme where he claimed to be lawyer, later arrested on charges that he struck a woman in the head with a handgun,

Matt Gaetz, Donald Trump accomplice, a crude, ignorant, obnoxious, lawless, racist, Neo-Nazi, who is being investigating by a GOP-led House committee for, among other things, allegedly having sexual relations with a 17-year-old girl,

Ben Gibson, GOP candidate for Congress in 2020 who endorsed Trump’s “America First” policy and QAnon conspiracies, including that there is “a group of Satan-worshiping elites who run a child sex ring and are trying to control our politics and media,”

Rudy Giuliani, a former New York City mayor who, under the influence of Donald Trump, became a lying, racist, farting, seditious, bankrupted, conspiracy mongrel who ended up outside a Philadelphia sex shop begging for scraps.

Eric Greitens, resigned as governor of Missouri after he was indicted on a felony charge of invasion of privacy to stop the disclosure of his marital affair and after he had been charged with violating campaign laws; his wife accused him of sexual assault and of committing violence toward their children; and he then tried to return to politics running as a MAGA Republican,

Kimberly Guilfoyle, fired from Fox News for distributing pornography, engaged to Donald Trump Jr. (icky, ickier),

Alex Hageman, Trump appointee who worked for the U.S. Commerce Department before he was sentenced to 5 ½ years in federal prison after pleading guilty to the possession of child pornography,

Charles Herbster, GOP gubernatorial candidate in Nebraska who was endorsed by Donald Trump after he had been accused of groping or forcibly kissing eight women,

Bobby Knight, endorsed Donald Trump during 2016 Presidential Election, raising the question of why a psychotic, misogynistic college basketball coach with anger-management issues would endorse a psychotic, misogynistic real estate developer with anger-management issues?

Ken Kurson, good friend of Donald Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner and pardoned by President Trump after the former newspaper publisher was charged with stalking and harassment,

Corey Lewandowski, Donald Trump advisor, adulterer, creep, bully, and reported sexual predator, 

Vince McMahon, friend of Donald Trump who lost his job as CEO of World Wrestling Enterprises after being accused of sexual assault, sex trafficking, and physical abuse,

Jason Miller, married, pro-life, pro-family values GOP political advisor, who impregnated a Trump campaign staffer, frequented strip shows and sex clubs, and impregnated a stripper and reportedly drugged her to abort her pregnancy?

Max Miller, Ohio congressman and former Trump staffer who was accused by his ex-girlfriend, Stephanie Grisham, of physically abusing her when they were dating,

Roy Moore, President Donald Trump endorsed this white supremacist and alleged pedophile in Moore’s campaign for a U.S. Senate seat in Alabama,

George Nader, adviser to GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump and lifelong pedophile, who pleaded guilty to charges of bringing an underaged boy to the United States for sex and for possession of child pornography that included sexual abuse of toddlers; sentenced to ten years in prison. 

Tim Nolan, Kentucky county campaign chair for the Donald Trump presidential campaign, school board member, law-and-order judge, and klansman who was found guilty of 21 counts of child-sex trafficking and human trafficking and sentenced to twenty years in prison,

Bill O’Reilly, bully, narcissist, fabulist, bullshitter, and congenital liar who has been accused of sexual assault by multiple women, who shares vanilla milkshakes with Donald Trump, a bully, narcissist, fabulist, bullshitter, and congenital liar who has been accused of sexual assault by multiple women, 

Sean Parnell, a Donald Trump-endorsed candidate for the U.S. Senate in Pennsylvania in 2022, dropped out of the campaign after he lost a fight for custody of his children to his estranged wife, who had accused him of sexual abuse.

Rob Porter, resigned as Donald Trump’s White House staff secretary after both his ex-wives accused him of domestic abuse,

Kid Rock, a Confederate flag-flying rapper who released a sex tape, used the “N” word on a music video; attacked transgendered people; and served as a confidante to President Donald Trump, who invited the Confederate flag-flying, sex-tape actor to the president’s second debate with Democrat Joe Biden during the 2020 Presidential Election,

Matt Schlapp, conservative political lobbyist, Fox News contributor, and chair of the American Conservative Union is being sued for sexual battery by a GOP staffer after Schlapp reportedly “began aggressively fondling” his “genital area in a sustained fashion,”

Patrick Shanahan, President Donald Trump’s nomination to become secretary of Defense withdrew his name from consideration after it was reported that Shanahan and his former wife had been involved in a bloody domestic assault incident in 2010, 

Ralph Shortey, family values conservative and former Oklahoma state senator who served as the state’s campaign chair for Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign, was sentenced to 15 years in prison for what was referred to as “a sexual tryst with a teenage boy” at a hotel.

David Sorensen, a White House speechwriter who resigned after his former wife said he had been physically and emotionally abusive, which included driving over her foot and extinguishing a lit cigarette on her hand, among other things, during their 2 ½ year marriage,

Latrelle Sprewell, GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump won Sprewell’s endorsement after winning the Nevada caucuses during the early Republican primaries in 2016; Trump used the endorsement to shore up the key voting bloc of mentally unstable, bankrupted former athletes who were charged with assaulting their wives and or girlfriends,

Mike Tyson, then-presidential candidate Donald Trump boasted about his endorsement from Mike Tyson, a convicted rapist, registered sex offender, and an admitted drug addict and alcoholic, who once bit part of the ear off an opponent, brutalized at least one of his wives, and talked about wanting to eat children, 

Ruben Verastigui, worked as a senior digital strategist for the GOP Senate Republican Conference, the Republican National Committee, and the Trump re-election campaign in 2020, charged with distributing, receiving, and possessing child pornography, and sentenced to 12 ½ years in federal prison,

Herschel Walker, President Donald Trump endorsed Walker, a GOP candidate running for the U.S. Senate in Georgia, raising the question of why an often-bankrupt, psychotic, misogynist with anger-management issues, who was repeatedly accused of abusing women would endorse a political candidate who was an often-bankrupt, psychotic, misogynist with anger-management issues, who was repeatedly accused of abusing women?

Steve Wynn, disgraced casino owners and friend of Donald Trump, who named him finance chair of the National Republican Committee; resigned as CEO of Wynn Resorts after dozens of his employees accused him of, among other things, rape, assault, and harassment,

Ye (Kanye West), what does the rapper possibly have in common with a temperamental, egomaniacal, mentally ill man-child like Donald Trump?

Milo Yiannopoulos, former Breitbart News editor, an alt-right political commentator, white supremacist, neo-Nazi, self-professed pedophile, and enthusiastic supporter of Donald Trump,

Christian Ziegler, the disgraced former chair of the state’s GOP, who had been accused of raping the third member of his menage a trois,