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Donald Trump did not create the Republican Party of the 21st century. But he did leave enough rancid meat on the floor and opened all the doors so the house became filled with rats and roaches. He also made it fashionable to legislate on the basis of the GOP’s four horsemen of the Apocalypse: Greed, Bigotry, Ignorance, and Hate.

Here is a partial list of Trumpian legislators, election deniers, and other conspiracy kooks:

. . . Click the name in the box and read more.

Joe Arpaio, Arizona sheriff, equal parts fascist, racist, and conspiracy peddler, pardoned by President Donald Trump for a criminal contempt conviction,

Andy Biggs, lying, homophobic, seditious, ignoramus who denies climate change and the U.S. Constitution with equal measures of contempt,

Steve Bannon is Donald Trump’s brain — a human nightmare, a slithering, talking, hate-spewing evil spirit that haunts us whether we are awake or asleep, a monstrous character whose pure odiousness makes Donald Trump a worse person. Steve Bannon made Donald Trump a worse person. Let this be Bannon’s epitaph.

Lauren Boebert, nihilistic, vaping, cop-hating, constitution-hating, conspiracy spreading, high school dropout who was called a “little bitch” on floor of Congress by Marjory Taylor Greene,

Mo Brooks, white supremacist and climate change denier who blamed the rise in sea levels on rocks falling into the ocean and was first member of Congress to reject the certification of the Electoral College, advancing baseless, voter fraud claims and urging right-wing fanatics to march to the U.S Capitol in a speech preceding the insurrection, 

Herman Cain, former GOP presidential candidate who died after reportedly contracting COVID-19 at a Trump political campaign rally, 

Jason Chaffetz, former congressman who quit in the middle of his term after constituents yelled at him during a town hall, Deep State conspirator, full of Chaffetz,

Andrew Clyde, delusional, Georgia congressman who called the January 6, 2021, insurrection a “normal tourist visit” and said anyone who called it an “insurrection” was lying – even though a video image shows him rushing to the front of the House chamber to help police barricade the door to keep rioters from breaking down the door,

Chris Collins, one of first congressmen to endorse 2016 presidential candidate Donald Trump, convicted for insider trading, and pardoned by then-President Donald Trump,

Ted Cruz, smarmy U.S. senator who unifies conservative Republicans and liberal Democrats in their mutual hated of him,

David Duke, felon, former Imperial Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan, and supporter of Donald Trump for president,

Catherine Englebrecht, founder of True the Vote, an organization that raised millions of dollars to identify voter fraud in 2020 Presidential Election and was then sued by contributors because it didn’t find any voter fraud,

Matt Gaetz, Donald Trump accomplice, a crude, ignorant, obnoxious, lawless, racist, Neo-Nazi, who is being investigating by a GOP-led House committee for, among other things, allegedly having sexual relations with a 17-year-old girl,

Louie Gohmert, former congressman who denied that Joe Biden won the 2020 Presidential Election and said that Vice President Mike Pence had power to overturn the election results; denied climate change and endorsed such crackpot ideas as terror babies, arming teachers with automatic rifles, and the trans-Alaskan pipeline because it meant caribou would have more sex,

Sebastian Gorka, former adviser to President Donald Trump, Fox News contributor, pseudo intellectual, alt-right spokesman, self-absorbed fabulist, hawker of fish oil and snake oil, 

Paul Gosar, the first member of Congress to spread conspiracy that Antifa — an anti-fascist, anti-racist liberal organization — was behind the violence at the Capitol, and is so obnoxious and odious that his own siblings campaign against him,

Mark Green, withdrew his name as President Donald Trump’s nominee to be secretary of the Army after the release of a video of him criticizing Muslims, gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transsexual Americans,

Marjory Taylor Greene, ran for Congress as a pro-school shooting, pro-hanging, pro-Putin, QAnon spouting, and pro-life conservative who endorsed baseless conspiracies such as Pizzagate and that Bill and Hillary Clinton had murdered a number of their associates,

Josh Hawley, lying, grandstanding, megalomaniac, racist U.S. senator whose defense for not certifying the results of the 2020 Presidential Election and for keeping Donald Trump as president were so mind-numbingly misinformed that he was criticized on Fox News,

Charles Herbster, GOP gubernatorial candidate in Nebraska who was endorsed by Donald Trump after he had been accused of groping or forcibly kissing eight women,

Heritage Foundation, right-wing think tank turned septic tank,

Clay Higgins, Louisiana congressman who said he would shoot and kill Black Lives Matter protesters who came to his state; said Islamic radicals should be killed; introduced legislation to make vaccine mandates a federal crime; and denied the existence of coronavirus – until he contracted the virus,

House Freedom Caucus, House Freedom Carcass, congressional anarchists,

Duncan Hunter, one of first congressmen to endorse Trump’s 2016 presidential candidate and pleaded guilty to conspiring with his wife to illegally spend campaign funds on personal expenses, pardoned by President Donald Trump,

Ron Johnson, pro-Vladimir Putin, pro-Donald Trump, election denier, described as “insurrectionist enabler,” “serial liar,” and “Putin lickspittle,”

Jim Jordan, Ohio congressman, member in good standing of House Freedom Carcass, called a “legislative terrorist” by former GOP House Speaker John Boehner, and a former Ohio State University wrestling coach who was aware that the team doctor sexually assaulted members of his wrestling team and, according to the wrestlers, did nothing to stop it,

Steve King, tested GOP ideas of white supremacism and neo-Nazism before Donald Trump,

Kris Kobach, Kansas attorney general, anti-immigrant zealot, birther who cozies up to hate groups and questions the voting rights of minorities, who has turned rabid xenophobia into a lucrative career,

Laura Loomer, racist conspiracy monger and political stalker who was endorsed by President Donald Trump when she ran for Congress, called “mentally unstable and a documented liar” by Marjorie Taylor Greene

Tom Marino, withdrew his name to become the Trump Administration’s drug czar to fight the opioid epidemic after news stories reported that Marino had worked with the pharmaceutical industry to make it easier for Americans to get their hands on the highly addictive opioids,

Mark Meadows, former chief of staff to President Donald Trump, who was charged with two felonies in relation to the conspiracy to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election in Georgia,

Roy Moore, President Donald Trump endorsed this white supremacist and alleged pedophile in his campaign for a U.S. Senate seat in Alabama,

Kristi Noem, god-fearing, pro-family South Dakota governor who had a yearslong affair with sleazy Trump advisor Corey Lewandowski,

Tim Nolan, Kentucky county campaign chair for the Donald Trump presidential campaign, school board member, law-and-order judge, and klansman who was found guilty of 21 counts of child-sex trafficking and human trafficking and sentenced to twenty years in prison,

Sarah Palin, enough said, 

Ken Paxton, corrupt, impeached, adulterous, election-denying megalomaniac who somehow bonded with President Donald Trump, a corrupt, impeached, adulterous, election-denying megalomaniac,

Rick Perry, dimwitted Secretary of Energy in the Donald Trump Administration and former governor of Texas, who used his political connections to appear as a contestant on Dancing With the Stars,

Scott Perry, went to considerable lengths to overturn results of the 2020 Presidential Election to keep Donald Trump in office and then reportedly sought a pardon from Trump for any crimes he may have committed relating to the insurrection,

Scott Pruitt, President Donald Trump’s secretary of the Environment Protection Agency who resigned from the EPA under pressure from Trump after being the subject of 14 investigations into his conflict of interests, spending habits, and management practices,

John Ratcliffe, President Donald Trump appointed Texas Congressman John Ratcliffe to be the administration’s Director of National Intelligence, but a few days later the president withdrew his nomination after criticism that Ratcliffe had little experience in intelligence — and Trump had none,

Rick Santorum, you can take the Santorum out of the sanitarium, but you can’t take the sanitarium out of the Santorum,

Tommy Tuberville, pro-military GOP U.S. senator who froze hundreds of promotions in the military over a Pentagon policy that guaranteed access to abortion and reproduction care to members of the military, resulting in military personnel leaving the service and profoundly affecting military readiness,

Ted Yoho, foul-mouthed, sexist, do-nothing congressman, who endorsed — and was endorsed by – Trump,

Christian and Bridget Ziegler, Florida’s fun couple-turned-throuple; Bridget, co-founder of the anti-education group, Moms for Liberty, and Christian, the disgraced former chair of the state’s GOP, who had been accused of raping the third member of the menage a trois,

Ryan Zinke, President Donald Trump’s Secretary of the Interior who resigned under pressure from the Trump Administration after a series of ethics scandals,